Leading Israeli law firms partook in a basketball tournament in Tel Aviv on Tuesday with the goal of raising funds to purchase an ambucycle—a motorcycle fitted with life-saving equipment—for the United Hatzalah emergency medical response organization.
The tournament, held at Hashalom Sports Center, included attorneys from Yigal Arnon & Co.; Barnea Jaffa Lande; GNY; Goldfarb Gross Seligman; Tadmor Levy & Co.; Herzog Fox & Neeman; Naschitz Brandes Amir; FISCHER (FBC & Co.); Furth, Wilensky, Mizrachi, Knaani–Law Offices; S. Horowitz & Co.; and Shibolet & Co.
Each company donated toward the ambulance motorcycle, in addition to competing in the four-on-four games. Audience members included esteemed members of the legal industry in Israel, as well as United Hatzalah representatives.

The tournament raised 150,000 shekels (almost 40,000 dollars) for the purchase of an inter-city ambucycle, which will be used by United Hatzalah volunteers to save lives throughout the greater Tel Aviv area.
“We are so proud to be spearheading this charity tournament for the second year and to provide the opportunity to showcase the generosity and partnership of the Israeli legal community,” said attorney Jeremy Lustman, who spearheaded the initiative on behalf of DLA Piper’s Israel Group.
“The ambucycle we collectively donated to United Hatzalah will truly save lives. I can’t think of any greater honor than to be involved in making that happen, especially right after Rosh Hashanah,” added Lustman.

“At this time of year, we are in the middle of the High Holidays, where people spend time reflecting on their actions and where we pray that we are all written in the Book of Life,” noted Eli Beer, founder and president of United Hatzalah of Israel.
“The ambucycle that was donated from the funds raised in this tournament will help save more lives in Israel and there is no greater blessing than that. Jeremy and all of the firms with DLA Piper have become true partners not only in law, but also in saving lives,” he added.
Tuesday’s tournament was won by GNY, which defeated lawyers from S. Horowitz & Co. in the final round. GNY legal intern Roi Kantor was crowned MVP of the match.
Produced in association with Jewish News Syndicate
(Additional reporting provided by JNS Reporter)
Edited by Saba Fatima and Newsdesk Manager