Left to Right:
Aubry Stone, President of the California Black Chamber of Commerce alongside
Ron Busby, President of the U.S. Black Chambers Inc.

Left to Right:
Ron Busby, President of the U.S. Black Chambers Inc.;
Dumile Cele
, Durban Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Left to Right:
Ron Busby, President of the U.S. Black Chambers Inc.;
Eric Apelgren, Head of International Relations;
Durban Chamber of Commerce and Industry
In an effort to increase trade and investment opportunities for USBC’s membership of Black business owners, the U.S. Black Chambers Inc. (USBC) has developed a partnership with the California Black Chamber of Commerce (CALBCC), the Head of International Relations (HIR), and the Durban Chamber of Commerce and Industry (DCC).
The partnership has been solidified with a Memorandum of Understanding that focuses on cultivating trade and investment opportunities. Following the MOU signing, USBC President Ron Busby had this to say:
“We are working hard to narrow the gaps that Black business owners face, access to international markets being one of them. With the help and collaboration of the California Black Chamber of Commerce, the Head of International Relations, and the Durban Chamber of Commerce & Industry we are combining our individual powerhouses for the purpose of helping Black business owners seek business opportunities in South Africa.”
Currently, USBC’s President Ron Busby is in Durban, South Africa to both explore business opportunities and as a Speaker during ESSENCE Festival Durban.
About USBC: The U.S. Black Chambers, Inc. (USBC) provides committed, visionary leadership and advocacy in the realization of economic empowerment. Through the creation of resources and initiatives, we support African American Chambers of Commerce and business organizations in their work of developing and growing Black enterprises.