By Kim Watters

In this month’s GovCorner, we are talking about concrete ways that you can do to win more and stress less. In this article, I present four ways you can identify and win more proposals.
Look Around
Federal procurement is a big space…the biggest in the world. Nevertheless, it is not the only game in town. Take a chance and look locally – state and county governments frequently buy the same things at the Federal government. The difference is often a smaller competition pool and more streamlined acquisition process.
Action Item: Connect with the state in which your business is located. Expand your “local efforts” to include your home county and the surrounding municipalities.
Go Back to School
School systems are overlooked gold mines! University campuses are mini-cities constantly in need of IT, construction, food, and environmental services. Often separate from municipal procurement – universities with their multiple locations and concentrated populations – are lucrative customers for almost everything you have been selling to the Federal government.
Action Item: Identify what your state university and all of its satellite campuses buys and during what “buying season”. Look to other education facilities such as private schools, departments of education, and for-profit technical schools.
See the Future
The clients who win the most are the ones who have the most comprehensive long-range strategic plans and objectives. Wouldn’t it be nice to have information about upcoming procurements with enough lead-time to identify and solidify a team, put together a solid pricing strategy, and even gather intel on the incumbent? Invest in your business by investing in and using a forecasting tool. There are many available forecasting tools at all different price points. Whether you hire someone to do the research or buy the technology to do the research… all the data in the world is meaningless if you do not use it to further your strategic plan.
Action Item: Identify at least five forecasting tools and perform a comparison based upon price, usability, performance reviews, and available help/support. Perform trials on at least three tools before making a purchase.
Flip the Script
Whether you are a prime or a sub — flipping the script increases profits. If you are working as a sub – try being a prime. You may incur additional costs to win a prime contract, however being able to take the lion’s share of the contract’s revenue off sets those costs of doing business. If you are a prime – stepping out of the driver’s seat is your road to revenue. A prime with a solid record of accomplishment who is willing to be a subcontractor is always a hot commodity. Take a break from paying the costs associated with going out to get business and let those subs turned prime come to your door.
Action Item: Review your current teaming arrangements, assessing which teaming partners will successfully flip the script with you. Have the conversation early and in stages, so that each party can recognize the benefit.
GovRealm, led by Kim Watters, keenly understands the work involved and relationship between capture planning, business development, and proposal management. With proficiencies in staff training, process re-engineering/optimization, technology upgrades, and on-going professional development, Kim has built a company that respects the challenges of Government procurement while tackling them fearlessly. Kim teaches her staff and clients to approach the sometimes crazy world of procurement with organization, objectives, and realism. As a workshop facilitator and presenter on very technical topics such as the 8a application, marketing to the Federal government, and proposal management, Kim knows the importance of engaging her clients and delivering relevant information. Her team has spent decades managing strategic projects for clients focused on proposal development, maximizing 8(a) certification and correctly obtaining and using Government, and socio-economic certifications. Kim and GovRealm are committed to winning.
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