About MEA Magazine

MEA USA is a bi-monthly business news publication established in 2003 forphoto small/minority and women entrepreneurs.
The objective and mission is to review and address issues and policies as it relates to small/minority business owners domestically and internationally. We provide our readers with contracting and procurement news with motivating articles on innovative business techniques and strategies. We have a dynamic team of experts

in technology, finance and investments, healthcare, international trade, management, marketing, legal issues, travel, taxes, legislation, supplier diversity and cultural diversity. Topics include issues the business community needs to know today. Our regular editorial departments include: government news; corporate news; international marketplace news; profiles of minority firms, conferences and business listings.

MEA Magazine provides Public Relations, Marketing and Commphotounications Services. The publication is a division of Minority Enterprise Executive Council, a national award-winning organization   building relationships for minorities in both public and private sectors for over 16 years.

  • A Minority and Woman-owned business
  • Public Relations, marketing and communications services
  • Group of professional consultants
  • Excellent customer services
  • MEA provides public relations and marketing to promote the interests of African Americans, Native Americans, Asian Americans, Asian-Indian Americans, Hispanic American, women and veteran-owned businesses. The intent of public relations is meeting and satisfying three principle goals:

    1. To provide services of the highest quality by adhering to high standards of competence, efficiency, integrity.
    2. To provide public relations services of the highest standards tailored to the competitive needs of our clients working within their budget, cost effectively.
    3. To promote and advocate for the economic empowerment of minority businesses in both public and private sectors.

    MEA International, established in 2011 to promote global business opportunities. photo This quarterly publication will offer our readers new developments in global affairs, business, events and conferences, interviews with political and business leaders, trade and partnerships, and travel updates. The main focus is to connect the U.S. and international business community to form partnerships.